[arrow keys to move - ESCAPE to exit] Almost FREE! (Marketing Advice) That þFREEþ in the title, it got your attention, didn't it? Everyone loves to get something free and smart marketing people know that and use it to generate sales. It's just one little marketing trick you can use to turn your hobby or your entrepreneur dream into a successful business. If you're already in business, it might mean the difference between staffing up and moving to new offices. Perhaps it could provide the extra dollars to take a quick vacation to Europe this summer. Very few businesses understand marketing and the role it plays in their operation. Too often marketing simply means cold calling, running an occasional advertisement and joining the local Chamber of Commerce. It's too often an unstructured, on-the- side activity that gets mixed results. Successful businesses, even those seeking just 15 minutes of glory like the pet rock folks, know that marketing is the essence of all business. Marketing, which includes sales, should consume 1/3 of your resources. The other 2/3 should be split between product or service, and administration. If you spend 6 months and 1 million dollars developing your product, you should spend similar time and money marketing it. The golden rule: allow as much (dollars, energy, time etc.) for marketing as you did for product development/support. Also, develop a written strategy plan or flow chart for your marketing, just as your þmanufacturingþ division operates under. Consider your marketing dollars an investment, not an expense. Investments often take time to pay-off. Expenses, on the other hand, are short term operating costs. Marketing is not a short term thing, its purpose it to build up the business's equity. Need more convincing? Suppose you could purchase the exclusive rights to the Coca Cola name for 100 dollars. Think of the millions of dollars that name could generate for you. Now tell me, was that 100 dollars you used to purchase the Coca Cola name an investment or an expense? For decades the Coca Cola people have been plugging the Coca Cola name. Haven't we just decided owning that name is an investment, not an expense? For all those long years Coca Cola has been INVESTING in marketing their name. Today that investment is worth millions! Golden Rule #2 is to market continuously. The big wave will get notices briefly, but it's soon forgotten. It's the little waves that over time create and move beaches and mountains. Beach goers expect to find the beach always at the same spot. They don't like surprises when they get there. Buyers are the same. Mark Twain said, "familiarity breeds contempt and children." He was kidding about the contempt, but it does take a feeling of ease, comfort and trust between two people to begin breeding. It is just as true between buyers and sellers. Find an effective place to advertise and advertise there regularly. Consistency is more important than flash, use a small ad, but run it frequently. Let the ad readers get familiar and comfortable with you. That's when they'll begin buying! While they're warming up to you, don't expect them to save your telephone number and address. Only when they're ready to buy will they demand such details. If they know where to find your ad, i.e., in every issue of the GREENSHEET, they've as good as got your telephone number memorized! Give your potential buyers ads they can depend upon. When the trust and feel comfortable with your ads, they'll feel the same way toward you! ### --------------------------------